Saturday, November 24, 2012

After the failed attempt on one dating website, I tried a different one.  I had heard a lot of people make fun of it but, I tried anyway.  Christian Mingle (CM).  All I really wanted to do was meet someone for coffee! Within 3 days I had 100+ men looking at my profile. It was wild.  They all lived within 2 hours of me and a few of them actually had sent some form of communication!  This was blowing my mind! I chatted with a few guys and emailed others but, still no coffee! 
About the 4th week on CM, I had a comment on a photo I had posted from the Summer Trip adventure of the ropes challenge course! Someone named “Firerelated” wanted to know if that was me in the picture!  My first response…Of course!   I responded nicely and got “I did that in the Marines”.  My first thought was…”this guy is full of himself”. We started chatting online and within 45 minutes we were talking on the phone! I soon realized that he was not full of himself but yet, a really nice guy. We have talked/texted  multiple times a day, everyday, since then!
His name is Mike. He is from Pontotoc, MS.  He is a former Baptist Minister. He is a divorcee and his church released him because of his marital status. He is also a firefighter.  This is his main job now.  He works in Blue Springs, MS at Toyota in the Fire Dept there and moonlights at the Pontotoc and Tupelo Fire Departments.  He and I have hit it off quite nicely and quickly!  He is everything on “my list” and more.  He has been to church with us multiple times and is getting to know some people at our church.  He loves our Methodist church!! MayMo and Carter really like him! When he is in town-every 3rd day or so-we drag him wherever we go!
He and I have both been through some rough times.  We respect and support each others’ situations. He has a fantastic personality and loves to live life to the fullest!  Those of you on Facebook have seen pictures and get ready to see more of him in the future!
For those of you that are wondering how I could even possibly fathom to move on….Mike and I had been going out for a few weeks and I was really liking him!  A part of me was just not sure if I could let go 100% and allow myself to have true feelings for someone else.  And then, out of the blue, there was my answer.  The 1st Sunday in November is All Saints Day in the Methodist and other churches.  I did not realize it was this particular day.  As I sat in my regular spot and looked at the bulletin, I saw what day it was.  The names of church members that have passed in the past year are read aloud and a candle is lit in their memory.  I remember last year, and it was a tough day.  As the service started, the worship leader started singing the song that was playing in the room the moment that Jeff died.  (The worship leader is the singer and songwriter for the song) I held my composure and just sat quietly.  As I sat there, I felt a peace and heard these words, “It is ok to completely release Jeff and to move on.  Go with this man, he is a good man.” I know the Holy Spirit was speaking to me! I have never had that happen!  At that moment, I felt a total and complete peace and freedom and nudging to fully move forward with my relationship with Mike.  Jeff will always be a part of my heart, my personality and of who God molded me to be.  I will never forget him but, it is time to move forward.

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